Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired is pleased to invite Hong Kong Orff Schulwerk Association to conduct pedagogy training for music teachers. Created by composer Carl Orff and his colleague Gunild Keetman, the Orff Approach builds understanding of concepts and skills by connecting students with music through speech/chants, movement, singing, drama, and by playing pitched and unpitched instruments. Through learning the Orff approach, there will be more ways to teach our students to explore the depth in music.

● Instrumental Playing/Improvisation
Explore the Sound

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students feel the time values and dynamics with movement

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students create space with hula hoop and sing the so fa names of each voice

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students experience how visually impaired students feel the pitches with an egg holder

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students feel the texture, tempo and speed change with dance movements

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students experience and follow the music with rhythm and experience how visually impaired students use blocks to represent rhythm

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students learn improvised composition with body precussion as well as helping visually impaired students to follow

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students learn to use visual symbols to represent songs with different tempos and dynamics

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students use table drum to play rhythm game

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students learn to analyze songs, create movements to represent different tempos, and sing the sol-fa names

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students shared their thoughts on the Delcroze method

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students try to use movements to represent high-low pitch and long-short duration

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students try to use movements to experience the melody and rhythm

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students form groups of two to sing the song and represent themselves with dnace moves

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students learn to conduct music with different tempos

Delcroze Music Pedogogy: Students experience tempos with body precussion